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Roof of the World – Journeys
An Exhibition of New Works by Ong Kim Seng

03.08 // 21.08 2024

OKS 493 Clear Day, Kathmandu 2024 watercolour on paper 53 x 73cm.jpg

Clear Day, Kathmandu, 2024, Watercolour on paper, 53 x 73cm

artcommune gallery is pleased to announce Ong Kim Seng’s upcoming solo exhibition, Roof of the World – Journeys. Featuring around 20 new works completed mostly in the period of 2020 - 2024, the exhibition is on view at artcommune gallery from 3 to 21 August 2024. The exhibition officially opens with the artist in attendance on Saturday, 3 August, 3 - 5pm. This exhibition is part of Bras Basah Complex Galleries Joint Art Week 2024 – a presentation of exhibitions by Bras Basah Complex Galleries held from 17 - 25 August 2024.


A celebrated maestro of light and shade, Ong Kim Seng (b. 1945, Singapore), BBM. A.W.S. DF. N.W.S achieved international prominence for his lyrical and delicate rendering of landscapes in watercolours in as early as the 1980s, and remains one of Singapore’s most important and successful artists. He was conferred the Cultural Medallion in Visual Arts by the Republic of Singapore in 1990.


In 1983, Ong Kim Seng won the prestigious Paul B. Remmy American Watercolour Society Memorial Award with a breathtaking landscape featuring the distinct architectural brickwork of Nepal, becoming the first Singapore watercolourist to rise to international prominence. He was also the first Asian outside of the United States to be awarded the American Watercolour Society (AWS) membership in 1990 and has clinched 9 awards from the AWS to date, with several featuring the landscapes of Nepal.

Roof of the World – Journeys illuminates Ong Kim Seng’s evolving engagement with the watercolour medium and brings to fore his painterly fascination with the Himalayan region and Tibetan plateau. To the Himalayan region alone, Ong Kim Seng had trekked almost ten times. He made his first expedition to Nepal in 1978, where he trekked to the Everest base camp with his easel and watercolour supplies and created over 20 paintings featuring the Everest mountains. He also visited Tibet for the first time in 1986. Due to its unusually high altitude – more than 4000m above the sea level – Tibet is often referred to as ‘the roof of the world’. Enthralled and undeterred, he had returned several more times to capture its phenomenal landscape of vast blue skies and snowcapped mountains as well as views of the majestic Potala palace in Lhasa.


The exhibition also features a handful of Singapore scenes, which the artist has continued to revisit by exploring new perspectives and techniques to present these familiar landmarks in his repertoire. The largest piece on display is a large-scale and intricate watercolour landscape titled, Vantage Point, Chinatown, and measures 168 x 110 cm.

OKS 474 Vantage Point, Chinatown 2023 Watercolour on paper 168 x 110cm.jpg

Vantage Point, Chinatown, 2023, Watercolour on paper, 168 x 110 cm

About the Artist  

Ong Kim Seng (b. 1945, Singapore – ), BBM. A.W.S. DF. N.W.S is amongst the most acclaimed watercolour artists in Asia. A full-time artist since 1985, Mr. Ong was awarded the Cultural Medallion in Visual Arts by the Republic of Singapore in 1990 and is a recipient of 9 awards from the prestigious American Watercolour Society (AWS) in New York. In 1990, he became the first Asian outside of the United States to be awarded the AWS membership. He was conferred the distinguished Dolphin Fellowship by the Society in 2000.

Ong Kim Seng’s watercolour paintings are remarkable for their lyrical expressiveness and poetic charms. His works have been featured in numerous exhibitions around the world, including Singapore Art Museum, Agung Rai Museum and Neka Museum (Bali, Indonesia), and in other foreign missions and embassies of the Republic of Singapore. The watercolour maestro also counts Queen Elizabeth II of England, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China, President of the Republic of Korea, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, President of the Republic of the Philippines, Prime Minister of Japan, Prime Minister of India, the Governor of Hokkaido, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations amongst the long list of royal figures and luminaries who have come to be collectors of his art.

Ong Kim Seng has been an Art Advisor to the National Arts Council since 1998 and is a life Fellow of the National University of Singapore’s Centre of the Arts. He previously served as the President of the Singapore Watercolour Society from 1991 to 2001 and is currently their Honorary President. The artist’s most recent appointment was as Chief Judge for the International Watercolour Exposition held in China, among an international panel of judges from China, USA, Australia, Uruguay, Russia, France and Sweden.​

Official Opening with Artist in Attendance
Date: Saturday, 3 August 2024, 3 - 5pm

Artist Talk by Ong Kim Seng: Paintings of Nepal
Date: Sunday, 11 August 2024, 3 - 4pm
RSVP is required due to limited capacity. Register here by 5 August 2024:

Exhibition Period

Date: 3– 21 August 2024

Time: 12–7 pm daily

Venue: artcommune gallery (address below)


Contact Information

artcommune gallery

76 Bras Basah Road

#01-01, Carlton Hotel Singapore 189558

Tel: +65 63364240     M: +65 97479046

Artwork Selections

© 2024

artcommune gallery Pte Ltd.

76 Bras Basah Road #01-01

Carlton Hotel Singapore 189558

+65 6336 4240  |  +65 9747 9046

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